Monday, September 30, 2019
Impact of Csr
Daycare facilities across all our production and work centers . -Achieve a healthy corporate governance. An open door policy where every employee has a forum to debate issues if at all with Management. -Promoting Organic Cotton Products helps s to take care of the different aspects which can directly or indirectly effects us and our society and they remain with us happily as long as they can. When Society is benefited, we are benefited by default. Employee morale it our workforce remain motivated, 10. If asked for suggestion, what necessary changes would you like to make in the field of CAR? Auditing should be done more strictly -special laws should be made for female workers according to us more rules and regulations should be made for women empowerment and government should have more involvement in the ongoing process. And some Governmental help would be great. Government should help We are doing it fine 1 1 . Does CAR have any economic effects on your company?Is there any substitu te of CAR? Yes No 1 4 80% 16. Have you missed any order because of not following CAR? Yes No 05 100% 17. HOW successful CAR your company? 10-30% 31 ââ¬â 51 ââ¬â 76- 100% 1 18. What percent of your Company's revenue goes for following CAR, every month? Approximately 2-3 % approximately 1-2 % 1-2 % Can't disclose. N/A 19. How important do you think CAR is in general? Very Important Important Not Important 3 1 1 20. Do you have any special Laws and Facilities for Women Workers? Yes 5 No O 21. Do you allow Collective bargaining? Yes No 1 4 80% 22.Do you have any special law for Child Labor? Yes No 5 0 100% 0% 23. Are you using any external or internal CAR initiatives Auditing Team? Yes 2 40% NO 3 24. On what criteria the auditing team marks you? Global Compact Global Reporting Initiative Good Business Framework CAR goals and objectives CAR practices, policies ND culture Approach to CAR related issues with respect to its internal decision making process 001 1 2 1 25 Please tick w hether you agree/disagree Witt tolling statements resource intensive and costly concept] Yes 4 80% No 1 20% 25.Please tick whether you agree/disagree with following statements. [02. CAR is rather the obligation of large multinational companies than of Seems] Yes 1 20% No 4 25. Please tick whether you agree/disagree with following statements. [03. CAR needs to be strongly promoted by government authorities] Yes 3 60% No 2 40% 25. Please tick whether you agree/disagree with following statements. 04. Seems can only commit to CAR if resources are provided by the government or other institutions] yes 5 100% NO 0 25. Please tick whether you agree/disagree with following statements. 05. CAR needs to be legislated to ensure a wide uptake] Yes 4 No 1 20% 25. Please tick whether you agree/disagree with following statements. [06. A responsible company is a firm that strictly abides to labor and environmental laws] 25. Please tick whether you agree/disagree with following statements. [07. Respo nsible businesses go beyond what is required by law to make a positive impact n society and the environment] Yes 4 No 1 20% 25. Please tick whether you agree/disagree with following statements. [08.CAR is an important prerequisite if a firm wants to enter into a business relationship with a Western company] Yes 3 60% No 2 40% 25. Please tick whether you agree/disagree with following statements. [09. CAR is an equivalent for corporate governance] Yes 4 80% No 1 20% 25. Please tick whether you agree/disagree with following statements. [10. CAR is an equivalent for philanthropy] Yes 5 100% No 0 25. Please tick whether you agree/disagree with following statements. [1 1 . CAR includes actions to protect the environment] Yes 5 100% No 0 25.Please tick whether you agree/disagree with following statements. [12. Seems can implement CAR only with the help of external advisors] Yes 2 40% No 3 60% 25. Please tick whether you agree/disagree with following statements. [13. CAR encompasses a set o f activities companies carry out independently of their daily business operations] Yes No 5 0 100% 0% new fancy name for something that local companies have already been doing for a long time] yes 5 100% NO 25. Please tick whether you agree/disagree with following statements. 15.CAR is concept which is more important for companies located in developed than in developing countries] Yes 3 60% No 2 40% 25. Please tick whether you agree/disagree with following statements. [16. CAR is more relevant for the manufacturing industries than for the service sector] Yes 4 80% NO 1 25. Please tick whether you agree/disagree with following statements. [17. CAR is primarily motivated by public relations or marketing considerations] Yes 3 60% No 2 25. Please tick whether you agree/disagree with following statements. [18. CAR can lead to an increase in profits] Yes 5 100% No 0
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Brontieââ¬â¢ Swanston Essay
Sometimes early intervention for struggling learners is ideal. Most learning problems can be prevented if students are in positive school and classroom contexts that accommodate individual differences (Madden, 1991). However, even in the most positive environments, some students still experience difficulties. For these students, early intervention strategies must be implemented as soon as learning problems are noted. Early intervention means that ââ¬Å"supplementary instructional services are provided early in studentsââ¬â¢ schooling, and that they are intense enough to bring at-risk students quickly to a level at which they can profit from high-quality classroom instructionâ⬠(Madden & Wasik, 1991). The intent of early intervention is to create general education support systems for struggling learners as a way to improve academic performance and to reduce inappropriate special education referrals (Madden, 1991). Examples of early intervention include clinical teaching, peer and expert consultation, teacher assistance teams, and alternative programs such as those that offer tutorial or remedial instruction in the context of general education. A critical concept for ELL students is comprehensible input. This concept expresses that in order to acquire a second language the learner must understand what is said to him. Learners should receive input that is appropriate to their age and language level. This language should be just beyond the learnerââ¬â¢s current proficiency but easy enough for them to understand. Teachers need to develop background knowledge, deliver content that is contextualized, and use gestures, pictures and real objects to make input comprehensible (Saunders, &Goldberg, 1991). When newcomers are assigned to a mainstream classroom and spend most of their day in this environment it is especially critical for them to receive comprehensible input from their teachers and classmates (Saunders, &Goldberg, 1991). In other words, if the teacher prefers lectures, it leaves the English language learner will not be receiving this input. All teachers are aware of the need to ââ¬Å"explicitly link past learning and new conceptsâ⬠but some teachers fail to consider studentsââ¬â¢ backgrounds and experiences when planning lessons (Saunders, &Goldberg, 1991). One way to avoid making unwarranted assumptions about our studentsââ¬â¢ past learning, background or experiences is to create a common classroom experience as the basis for instruction (Saunders, &Goldberg, 1991). Another strategy is to help students make conscious links between their experiences and the text as described in the sample lesson below. Two good concepts to implement would be literature logs and instructional conversations. Before and after reading, students respond to prompts that help them link their experiences to those of the main character or main theme (Saunders, &Goldberg, 1991). The instructional conversations that follow these prompts provide oral language practice for Ellââ¬â¢s, and help deepen studentsââ¬â¢ conceptual frameworks for comprehension (Saunders, &Goldberg, 1991). Researchers found that using either the literature log or the instructional conversation increased comprehension for Ellââ¬â¢s but using both produced deeper understanding (Saunders, &Goldberg, 1991). Teachers should apply the following steps to be successful in previous two concepts: Step 1 Create pre-reading and post- reading questions or prompts Pre-reading question or prompt: a generic probe about studentsââ¬â¢ experiences that might be similar to those of the main character/s. Step 2 Briefly review the story again building on student responses in a think-aloud format. Review the procedure for tracking story events and noting when these events are similar to or different from experiences discussed by the class. Examples: two-column notes, post its, adapted story sequence chart Students read or listen to the text: pairs, small groups, tape, and buddy reading Step 3 Present the second literature log question or prompt; model a response. Allow time for students to write about or discuss the prompt. Facilitate the second instructional conversation in which students discuss similarities and differences between and among their experiences and those of the characters. Variations: use picture books with limited text for non-readers or beginning Ellââ¬â¢s of any age. Allow students to respond in their first language. Older or more proficient students can respond to prompts that focus on the setting instead of, or in addition to, events, characters and theme or compare experiences across texts. (Saunders, &Goldberg, 1991) It is also vitally important to emphasize key vocabulary. Lack adequate vocabulary is one barrier to reading for Ellââ¬â¢s. Research on vocabulary acquisition indicates that a successful vocabulary development program should have a least the following five components: 1) Intentional word selection (words that represent new concepts, are important outside of the specific activity, or cross content areas) 2) Direct instruction in word meaning and in strategies used to learn new words 3) Modeling of strategies and processes for learning new words 4) Multiple exposures to new words and opportunities to use new words (wide reading, intentional word-focused activities, and ongoing review) 5) A system to help students track new vocabulary (Beck, McKeon, 2002) Here is a five-step vocabulary activity to implement with your ELL students: 1) Teacher provides a definition (tell, read, demonstrate) 2) Teacher creates a non-linguistic representation of the word while engaging in a ââ¬Å"think aloudâ⬠that helps students identify key components of the visual and their relationship to the new word 3) Students write or say their own definition of the word 4) Students create their own linguistic representation of the word 5) Return to visual to add or revise elements as students deepen their understanding of the concept Adapted from Marzano, Pickering, 2001 It is important that the teacher shares a knowledge base relative to the education of students learning English (Thomas, & Collier, 1997). Efficient teachers should be familiar with second language acquisition, the relationship of native language proficiency to the development of English, socio-cultural influences on learning, effective first and second language instruction, informal assessment strategies that can be used to monitor progress (particularly in language and literacy development), and effective strategies for working with culturally and linguistically diverse families and communities (Thomas, & Collier, 1997). It is also imperative that there is recognition of the studentsââ¬â¢ native language. Language programs must have support of principals, teachers, parents, and the community (Thomas & Collier, 1997). School staff should understand that native language instruction provides the foundation for achieving high levels of English proficiency (Cummins, 1994). For regular education teachers and ESL/bilingual teachers, when it comes to language development, there should be a share responsibility. There also must be collaborative school-community relationships. Parents of students learning English must be viewed as capable advocates for their children and as valuable resources in school improvement efforts (Cummins, 1994). By being involved with families and communities of English learners, educators come to understand the social, linguistic, and cultural contexts in which the children are being raised (Ortiz, 1997). Thus, educators learn to respect cultural differences in child-rearing practices and in how parents choose to be involved in their childrenââ¬â¢s education (Garcia & Dominguez, 1997). It is vital to implement academically rich programs for ELL students. Students learning English must have opportunities to learn advanced skills in comprehension, reasoning, and composition and have access to curricula and instruction that integrate basic skill development with higher order thinking and problem solving (Ortiz, & Wilkinson, 1991). Students must have access to high-quality instruction designed to help them meet high expectations (Cummins, 1994). Teachers should employ strategies known to be effective with English learners, such as: 1) Drawing on their prior knowledge 2) Providing opportunities to review previously learned concepts and teaching them to employ those concepts 3) Organizing themes or strands that connect the curriculum across subject areas 4) Providing individual guidance, assistance, and support to fill gaps in background knowledge Although it is evident that students fail in school for a variety of reasons, in some cases, their academic difficulties can be directly attributed to deficiencies in the teaching a learning environment. These difficulties may become more serious over time if instruction is not modified to address the studentsââ¬â¢ specific needs. Unless these studentsââ¬â¢ specific needs. Unless the deficit in learning is caught early and the appropriate intervention is accessed, they will continue to struggle, and the gap between their achievement and that of their peers will widen over time. References Cummins (1994). Knowledge, power, and identity in teaching English as a second language. ââ¬Å"Educating second language children: The whole child, the whole curriculum, the whole communityâ⬠Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. Garcia, S. B. , &Dominguez, L. (1997). Cultural contexts that influence learning and academic performance. In Silver, L. B. , ââ¬Å"Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinic Of North America: Academic Difficultiesâ⬠. Philadelphia: Saunders Co. Madden, N. A. , Slavin, R. E. , & Wasik, B. A. (1991). Success for all, ââ¬Å"Phi Delta Kappan. â⬠Thomas, W, P. , &Collier, V. (1997). School effectiveness for language language miniority students (Resource Collection Series No. 9). Washington: National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education. Beck, I. , McKeon, M. &Kucan, L. (2002) Bringing Words to Life: Robust Vocabulary Instruction. Guilford Press. Ortiz, A. A. &Wilkinson, C. Y. (1991). Assessment and intervention model for the bilingual exceptional student. ââ¬Å"Teacher Education and Special Education, 14 Saunders, W. and Goldenberg, C. (1999) The Effects of Instructional Conversations and Literature Logs on the Story Comprehension and Thematic Understanding of English Proficient and Limited English Proficient Students. http://www. cal. org/crede/pubs/research/RR6. pdf Marzano, R. , Pickering, D. J. , & Pollock, J. E. (2001) Classroom Instruction that Works. Alexandria, VA: MCREL, ASCD.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Final exam for history who built america Research Paper
Final exam for history who built america - Research Paper Example Each ad is an effort to influence and persuade voters that a certain candidate would be best for them and offer them the best chance not only for world peace but for personal success and fulfillment. The ads try to humanize the candidates and show them as authoritative and sincere. As the years pass, we see the ads and techniques becoming more sophisticated. We see how the candidates become smoother and more polished in their delivery. The public has become more knowledgeable about advertising and advertisers must be ahead of the game. The ads begin with President Eisenhower explaining that he will bring peace to the U.S. These ads are very simple and lacking in many modern techniques. Eisenhower appears to be reading obviously from a script. A decade later, Johnson's presidential ads are much better. They tell a story beginning in November 1963 in Dallas and continuing to 1964. The narrative describes how Johnson has risen to the occasion. It emphasizes continuity. Carter's ads are still more evolved. They feature music and lots of separate shots. They use keyword such as competence and change in order to underscore his appeal against the incumbent Ford. They explain a little bit about him and show him communicating with ordinary people. In the 1990s, political advertising really came into its own.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Why Do College Students Procrastinate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Why Do College Students Procrastinate - Essay Example This paper will take a look into the non-technological reasons that college students often fall prey to and cause them to procrastinate. Procrastination is an activity that is most seen in the undergraduate level of college students. Some of the reasons that professionals have found to cause procrastination include lack of motivation, deficiencies in self-regulation, external locus of control, perfectionism, trait and state anxiety, fear of failure, low self-efficacy, and low self-confidence (Welmer, Maryellen, PhD. ââ¬Å"Why Students Procrastinate and What You Can Do About Itâ⬠). Since these reasons have been identified as the most common reasons for procrastination, psychological studies have been done in order to identify the extent that these reasons cover procrastination. Known in the psychological community as the ââ¬Å"avoidant coping stylesâ⬠, 374 undergraduate students explained that their tendency to neglect school work causes them anxiety that they refuse to de al with. (qtd. in Glenn). Therefore procrastination can be seem more as a coping mechanism for the students who lack ample adjustment abilities when it comes to their college classes. These avoidant lifestyles then translate into late term papers and other class requirements. Although not a trivial problem, it is not considered a very serious problem in most circles. But that is not to say that professors ignore these problems when it arises in their class. In reference to this problem, Dr. Joseph Ferrari, associate professor of psychology at De Paul University in Chicago and Dr. Timothy Pychyl, associate professor of psychology at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, (Lenker, Caitlin & MacAndrew, Dan ââ¬Å"The Procrastination Epidemic: An Investigative Reportâ⬠) report that; ââ¬Å"... Twenty percent of people identify themselves as chronic procrastinators.â⬠These people view procrastination as the result of their exra curricular activities that, as mentioned earlier, distract them from completing their college duties. However, some of them also indicated that they tend to procrastinate simply because they wish to have more time to sleep (Lenker, Caitlin and MacAndrew, Dan ââ¬Å"The Procrastination Epidemic: An Investigative Reportâ⬠). Undergraduates come up with the most creative reasons for procrastinating their way through a semester of college. Whatever their reasons, the truth is that the most important reason they tend to procrastinate is sheer laziness. What these students do not realize is that the procrastination causes stress in their lives and causes a number of negative outcomes for them during their academic career (Todd, Daniel ââ¬Å"Overcoming Procrastinationâ⬠). We have all been through the college adjustment phase at least once in our lives. While some end up adjusting and getting on quite with their academic careers, the others who allow procrastination to take over their lives end up dropping out of college altoget her. However, procrastination should not be associated merely with undergraduate slackers and underperformers. There are also some procrastinators who are excellent academic students. But they prefer to slack off and procrastinate because of the sense of accomplishment and the rush of having beaten a deadline when it comes to the submission of their class requirements (Lenker, Caitlin & MacAndrew, Dan ââ¬Å"The Procrastination Epidemic: An Investigative Reportâ⬠). Students such as Paul Rakszwaski say that the rush one gets from completing class requirements before a deadline cannot be beaten. He relates that (qtd. in Lenker & MacAndrew); Procrastinating is really great! I tend to work better when I have a very pressing deadline
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Motivation College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Motivation College - Essay Example At the same time, people represent the highest single cost figure, they also are considered to be the most unpredictable, difficult to control, and they are by far the one critical factor that nothing much can be done about. Much of the industry have turned its energies to solving more technical issues and has turned away from dealing with human factors as the primary key to improving profit. (Gerry, 45-57) Motivation is the key factor in influencing humans to work better, so an increase in motivation will result in higher productivity and more profit, which is the ultimate goal of the construction industry. Understanding and having knowledge about motivation theories can help to create a motivational atmosphere, and application of these theories can result in achieving higher productivity. The leadership style of a manager has a lot of influence on the motivation of workers. Construction is still considered as a tough guys business. Most construction managers and supervisors consider a democratic leadership style as a weakness. However, research has proved that democratic supervisors have achieved higher performance and better results than any other leadership style. (Iain, 78-85) Motivation is defined as, "a person's active participation in and commitment to achieving the prescribed results". (Gerry, 45-57) The concept of motivation is somewhat abstract, different strategies produce different result at different times, and there is no single strategy can produce guaranteed favorable results all the time. One of the difficulties in motivating workers is that they all are different and react differently to the same kind of change or action. Many motivation researchers agreed that managers can create a positive motivational atmosphere that can help in motivating workers for higher productivity, but they will likely not motivate everyone, because everyone is motivated by different things. Most companies are looking into ways to improve efficiency, productivity, and quality. The question is how to make workers work more productively This is a question of fundamental importance to any manager. The answer to this question is both complex and vague. Flannes and Levi n (2001) explained it by saying, "the project manager must effectively and comfortably wear many different hats when leading a project". (Levin, 2001) A construction manager's job is to get work done by the workforce. The construction manager's leadership style has a significant role in workforce motivation. Researchers have identified the major leadership styles as, laissez-faire, democratic, and autocratic. According to behavioral scientists, the democratic leadership style has achieved higher productivity and effectiveness. Concept of Motivation Concepts of motivation are somewhat abstract. To analyze factors that influence motivation, five motivation theories will be discussed in detail in this paper. Figure 1 shows a conceptual model of motivation. (Gerry, 45-57) At point A, a person has needs and tries to fulfill those needs. At point B, the person finds the sources of fulfilling those needs. At point C, he engages or motivates himself to achieve tasks to fulfill his needs. At point D, once he achieves his goal, new needs or variations of those original needs will be
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Insanity Defense Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Insanity Defense - Essay Example Following a brief comparative definition and discussion of each, this essay will argue in favour of ALI as the better of the three models. The M'Naughten standard came into being in 1843 and derives from the case of Daniel M'Naughten. M'Naughten, in a failed attempt to assassinate the British Prime Minister, killed his secretary (Huckabee, 2000). His reason for doing so was his belief that the Prime Minister was responsible for all of his personal misfortunes. Several witnesses testified to M'Naughten's apparent insanity and a jury found him not guilty by reason of insanity. In their review of the verdict, the House of Lords reversed it and established the M'Naughten standard which specified that a person was not guilty by reason of insanity if he/she could not distinguish between right and wrong. This rule was subsequently adopted in the United States, in some states without modification and others with modification. It is important to note that one of the primary weaknesses with the M'Naughten standard lies in its failure to account for control. Some may know that their actions are wrong but, nevertheless, are unable to control themselves. As such, some states added an "irresistible impulse" modification to the M'Naughten standard (Huckabee, 2000). The Durham test was adopted as a direct outcome of
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Conceptual framework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Conceptual framework - Essay Example and as a guide to the enterprise itself. A Financial statement is a management tool of communicating information about the financial position of the company, its performances and changes in financial position. It is presented in income statements, balance sheets and cash flows. Part B. Review the 2008 annual report of British Airways plc and evaluate the relevance, reliability, comparability and understandability of the information to you as a potential investor (use examples to justify your answers) * On the basis of relevance. The information presented in the financial statements is relevant as it is presented in two years, 2007 and 2008. This information can help users of the Financial Statement to evaluate past and present events of the company. On the basis of past events, evidences could be gathered for confirming or correcting past evaluations made. * On the basis of reliability. Financial statements of British Airways have to be audited in accordance with IASB and should comply with the requirements in the financial market audit. A financial statement becomes unreliable when it is purposely done to influence usersââ¬â¢ decision such understatement or overstatement of assets, income and liabilities. Disclosures from part of the financial report in claiming estimates in its preparation so that the FS will appear neutral. The study has been limited and could not interpret any understatement or overstatement of assets and liabilities. However, following the trend of the 2 year Balance sheet, changes in asset structure is not very significant to cause an alarm. * On the basis of comparability. The Financial Statement of BA provided sufficient data for comparability over time. This is done on a 2 year comparison of its own yearly performance. This allows users to study trend in performances in all
Monday, September 23, 2019
Unit 5 IP Introduction to american court system Essay
Unit 5 IP Introduction to american court system - Essay Example Government, n.d.) and on common and ââ¬Å"statutory lawâ⬠(Ponzetto & Fernandez, 2008). Normally a criminal code will comprise offences which are acknowledged in the jurisdiction, penalties which might be imposed for these particular kinds of offences and some general provisions. I, recommend that, the case concerning Jones February 6, 2005 in the Sedgwick County, Kansas needs to be filed in the district court under state law on the premise that his assistance facilitated adequate evidence on Smith and Thompson to obtain convictions. Based on two prior convictions of Jones for possession of cocaine, it would be appropriate to file his case in federal court, where the highest sentences are available. On the other hand, because of his cooperation, it may be better to file the case in the Sedgwick County, Kansas, and district court under state law. Jones has been found to have possessed more than 50 grams of drug as the Probation Department contends and his level of offense would have been 32, which, with category of III of the criminal history, would result in a sentencing range of 151 to 188 months. ââ¬Å"After a jury trial at which Jones was found guilty of unlawfully possessing more than five g rams of a substance containing cocaine base (commonly known as ââ¬Å"crackâ⬠ââ¬â844(a). ââ¬âcocaine) in violation of 21 U.S.C. à §Ã¢â¬ (United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit, 2012). The case against Smith can be file under the federal law. In this case, Smith has sold cocaine to undercover agents on two occasions: July 12 and August 3, 2005. However, no previous offences have been recorded against his, though he seems to have engaged in selling drugs to his friends and acquaintances for a while. Drug selling is the one of the gravest crimes that affect the society in the present day. Anybody engaging in such nefarious activities needs to be awarded the maximum punishment for the crime. maximum punishment. Cocaine comes
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Shared sacrifice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Shared sacrifice - Essay Example But staff left behind has had to absorb workloads or do without support from which they previously benefited, so unless they had previously been underemployed or were enabled to approach their work in a different, less labor-intensive way, these were definitely cuts. This is no way to approach efficiency savings. Efficiency requires a mindset that focuses on improvement, an emphasis on quality, a genuine concern to do the best for the customer. Cuts come from a manipulation mindset, a style that could be described as command and control. While cuts involve zero-sum thinking, in which it is assumed that there is a game to be played, in which if I win you have to lose (and vice versa), efficiency needs abundance thinking. This takes as its starting point the assumption that if we work together to try to meet all our aims we will probably find a way of doing so, or at least get much closer to it than if we fight. Efficiency needs a good understanding of the processes of providing a service and of the way costs are structured. Cuts just need a change in a budget. Cuts are much easier, but ultimately self-defeating. Efficiency is hard work but yields long-lasting positive results. It is a tragedy that, in my opinion, many politicians and managers in the 1990s could not tell the difference, and that it has led to alienation of clinical professionals in a way that was quite unnecessary. Managing resources, then, requires you to understand processes, understand the way costs change with different levels of activity and understand the dynamics at play between people within the system. It also requires the courage to prompt people of high status to think constructively about changes they can make in the ways they work ââ¬â not at all an easy thing to do. We will start by looking at what we can learn from the strand of thinking that
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Imagine you are Marco Essay Example for Free
Imagine you are Marco Essay Imagine you are Marco. Write a letter to your wife telling her about your journey to America, where you are staying and your work. Eddie and Beatrice Carbone 441 Saxon Street BROOKLYN NEW YORK U. S. A Dear family and friends I am missing you all desperately. It has been two months since I have seen you all. The journey was in cramped conditions, we experienced a mix of storms and showers. This didnt bother Rodolpho or me as the fishing trips to Africa and Yugoslavia prepared us well. I spent most of my time conversing with another group of Sicilians. We shared our hopes of America. Our main worry was that we would be caught getting off the boat and deported. The travelling was long and boring with loud thunderstorms at night, which made it impossible to sleep. Because of the large amounts of people on the ship it was very cramped. We had to sleep on the floor, which was hard and uncomfortable. The only way I stayed sane was thinking of succeeding at the American dream and returning to Sicily as rich as some of the tourists! When the ship docked in Brooklyn a very kind and hospitable man named Tony Bereli met us at the pier. He dropped us off at Beatrices house were we are temporarily staying. I was surprised at how nice Beatrices house was after Bereli described it as a slum. Over here in America people live in apartment blocks and estates instead of the shacks were used to back home. New York is a great city. At first I was some what taken aback by the citys daily hustle and bustle. Its so different from the town in Sicily where we know everyone. Beatrice looked very pleased to see us and asked after you and the childrens welfare. She introduced us to her niece Catherine who has stayed with them all her life as her parents died when she was very young. They were both very welcoming but Beatrices husband Eddie seemed as though he was a bit uneasy with our presence. Eddie told us about working on the docks as a longshoreman. He said we could earn up to forty dollars a week! The house is small with five people in it but I cannot complain otherwise I would be out on the streets. I am pleased to say both Rodolpho and me have found work as longshoremen loading and offloading things from other countries like coffee and tea. Whenever I get paid I will send the money home for you and the children. The main things I miss apart from you and the children are the scenery and the warm weather. In New York its cold with wall-to-wall skyscrapers. Rodolpho has taken to the bright lights of New York like a duck to water. He and Catherine seem to have something going on. Last week she took him on a grand tour of the city ending up in up in the Paramount Cinema. They arrived back at about midnight, Eddie was furious. He said Catherine had never been out so late. Eddie is too over protective of Catherine; he treats her like a kid! Its as if he is trying to keep Catherine for himself! Eddie treats Rodolpho like dirt. He insulted him calling him Danish because of his blonde hair. Eddie then went on to teach Rodolpho boxing classes in which he gave himself a good excuse to beat him up. Unprovoked incidents like these anger me. I wanted to get up and defend Rodolpho but didnt want to offend Beatrice. I asked Eddie if he could lift a chair from the bottom, he failed to do this. Then I lifted the chair over my head and looked him in the eye. This was my way of gaining a physical and mental advantage over Eddie. The look of defeat on Eddies face was a picture! How are Maria and Luigi? I am missing them so much. As soon as I get paid I will send money so you can buy Luigi some money for his chest. Tell them I wish I could be with them but I had no choice about leaving, wed have starved otherwise. I am working overtime everyday so I can come home to you and the kids soon. Then we will have plenty of food and will never have to worry about starving again. Take care of yourself and the kids. I will write soon Marco xxxxxx Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Relationship Between Stress and Parenting Quality
Relationship Between Stress and Parenting Quality Coping as a Moderator Between Parentsââ¬â¢ Stress and Parenting Quality Elizabeth K. Wilson Previous literature has shown that the quality of parenting is vulnerable to stressors such as daily hassles, financial hardship, and work-related stress, to name a few (Leinonen et al., 2002). Longer workdays for parents have been shown to create stress and decrease family interaction time (Lerner Galambos, 1991). Fathersââ¬â¢ work stress translates into negative feelings and more disciplinary parenting (Galambos et al., 1995) while mothersââ¬â¢ work stress causes them to withdraw from their children (Repetti Wood, 1997). Both parents have less closeness and are accepting of children when affected by stress (Galambos et al., 1995). Parents who are forced to work longer hours or multiple jobs because of financial situations face even more added stress. When experiencing financial hardship, parents make adjustments to living such as canceling family trips or postponing important family purchases, which makes them feel like a failure at providing for their family and creates wo rry (Conger Elder, 1994). This reflects on their parenting skills in the form of more hostile, punitive parenting behavior (Conger et al., 1992). There has been evidence of more disruptive family functioning when parents report having more daily difficulties (Repetti Wood, 1997). According to the Family Systems Perspective, matters at the individual level, such as parenting behavior or the impact of stress, fully understood only by considering the larger network of interdependent relationships within the family (Minuchin, 1985). The spillover hypothesis posits that behavior and affect of the same valence transfer directly from one situation or relationship within the family to another, such that negative interactions in one situation spillover as negative interactions in another (Nelson et al., 2009). Marital distress is related to disruptions in parenting and quality of parent-child relationship ââ¬â both mothers and fathers were more likely to engage in hostile rather than authoritative parenting when under stress in the marriage (Conger Elder, 1994; Conger et al., 1992). Stress on parents in the workplace, in their relationships, and even inconveniences throughout the day will undoubtedly spillover into other aspects of their lives, especially parenting, but how do coping strategies modify this effect differentially for mothers and fathers? Coping is an attempt to alter our circumstances, or the way we perceive them, to make them seem more favorable so that we are able to make it through the situation with a more positive outlook (Lazarus, 1993). Coping is a resource that has been shown to buffer the negative effects of a stressful event (Gayman et al., 2014). Using active coping strategies, which involve facing the problem head-on, is thought to be a more adaptive way of dealing with stress, while avoidance coping is less adaptive. Emotion-focused coping is a type of coping that could be classified as active coping if one is changing his or her appraisal of a situation to a positive appraisal. This type of coping is seen more commonly in women than in men (Holohan Moos, 1987). Social withdrawal has been regarded as a type of coping mechanism in response to short-term stress. Social withdrawal could be something as simple as watching television and avoiding interactions with family members. Fathers have been shown to physically position themselves away from family members after a hard day at work. This type of coping mechanism is not recognizable as a type of coping strategy by the person using it, so it may not show up in self-report measures, but has been shown in previous studies that observed family interactions (Campos et al., 2009). Two main types of coping are approach and avoidant coping, also known as active and passive coping. Approach coping strategies are an attempt to alter or decrease the stressor and engage and control the stressful situation, whereas avoidant coping strategies are an attempt to avoid the stressor by emotionally and sometimes physically disengaging from the problem. Avoidant coping strategies can be manifested in the form of actually leaving the stressful situation or emotionally denying the situation and sometimes ââ¬Å"emotionally escapingâ⬠the situation by distracting the mind with a television show or abusing substances (Shin et al., 2014). We posit that parents who utilize active, approach coping strategies will have less negative interactions with their children after a stressful event because of the buffer that this positive coping strategy provides. These parents will face their problems head-on and will be better able to separate these stressful events from a stressful event involving their children. On the other hand, parents who utilize passive, avoidant coping strategies will not have this buffer between stressful events and the interactions with their children. The negative coping strategy will actually perpetuate the spillover of stress onto parent-child interactions. Parents who use avoidant strategies, such as social withdrawal, do not deal with their stressors appropriately and instead avoid them. This negatively affects later interactions with their children because they still have stress built up that they have not dealt with. This stress ââ¬Å"spills overâ⬠into their ability to parent effectively and positively. The ability to cope with stress and subsequently provide good quality parenting leads to positive outcomes for children. Parenting quality has important implications for childrenââ¬â¢s school involvement and language development. Parents who utilize avoidant coping strategies or social withdrawal coping strategies do not use the time they have to give quality parenting to their children, such as reading with them or getting involved in school activities. Instead, they psychically isolate themselves from the family, using what little time they have to be alone (Katz, 2002). As mentioned previously, when faced with stressors, parents tend to use more hostile than authoritative parenting, and more coercive than constructive parenting (Conger Elder, 1994; Conger et al., 1992), which could have serious implications for the childââ¬â¢s wellbeing. Hostile and aggressive parenting practices have been associated with attention and hyperactivity problems, conduct and aggression problems, and less prosocial behavior in children. On the other hand, constructive parenting has been associated with improved adjustment and lower level of antisocial behavior in children (Hadzic et al., 2013). The current study will examine the relationship between parentsââ¬â¢ stress and parenting quality and the possible role of coping strategies as a moderator of this relationship. We hypothesize that coping will significantly moderate this link, with positive coping strategies buffering the negative effects of stress on parenting and negative coping strategies perpetuating these negative effects. The role of parent gender in coping strategies will also be examined. We expect that there will be significant gender differences, such that males will utilize more negative and avoidant strategies thus having a greater negative effect on their quality of parenting than females, whom we expect to utilize more positive and active coping strategies. If coping is shown to be a significant moderator of the relationship between stress and parenting quality, this finding could have serious clinical implications. Clinicians would benefit from focusing on improving coping strategies to help parents deal with stressors that spillover into parenting practices. Parents would benefit from utilizing positive rather than coping strategies.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Ritalin And Its Uses Essay -- essays research papers
Ritalin and Its Uses In recent years, more and more kids seem to be on a prescription drug called Ritalin(methylphenidate). This drug is being handed out more and more by doctors as a way of treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, a complex neurological impairnment that prevents kids from concentrating. According to the Drug Enforcement Agency, it rose fron 200 grams per 100,000 people to over 1400 grams per 100,000 people in the last fifteen years. The National Institute of Mental Health estimates that about one student in every classroom is believed to experience the disorder. The rate of Ritalin use in the United States is at least five times higher than in the rest of the world according to federal studies. Are doctors just catching this disabling affliction more often? Or does society just want a convenient way to solve a complicated problem. Ritalin is a central nervous system stimulant that is somewhat similar to amphetamines. It was created in 1955, classified as a controlled substance in 1971, and became the drug of choice for ADHD in 1981. It is also used in treating narcolepsy. It is thought to activate the brain stem arousal system and cortex, and, like cocaine, works on the neurotransmitter dopamine. It appears to increase the levels of dopamine in the frontal lobe where attention and impulsive actions are regulated. When taken in its intended form under a doctor's prescritption, it has moderate stimulant properties. There has been a great deal of concern about it's addictive qualities and adverse affects. ADHD is a relatively new disorder. It was introduced in 1980, where it was labeled ADD(attention deficit disorder). In the 1950's, children were simply labeled "hyperkinetic." The term "hyperactivity" was added in 1987, hence the name ADHD. Not all children have the hyperactivity, and thus are labeled to have ADD. ADD is not treated with Ritalin; antidepressants are more commonly used. One of the problems with the label ADHD is that just because a child may be overly hyper, doesn't mean the child is not paying attention. The problem is, the child is paying too much attention to too many things at the same time. ADHD is children's #1 childhood psychiatric disorder. The prevalence is three time... ...ere), irregular heartbeat and respiration(may be profound and life threatening), anxiety, restlessness, paranoia, hallucinations, delusions, excessive repetition of movements and meaningless tasks, and formicaton(sensation of bugs or worms crawling under the skin). It seems to be abused by high school kids and college students predominantly. Although the drug is too complex to manufacture illegally, and it doesn't create the euphoric effect that cocaine has, it seems to be an aid in studying for final exams. It allows students to stay up all night allowing them to cram much easier. It is important to remember that too many children in America are suffering from this ailment, and yet too many kids are getting pills instead of proper care. Although Ritalin currently seems to be an effective way in treating Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, we must not treat this disorder hastily. Our society must realize that prescription drugs can have just as many complications as street drugs. Befor writing out a prescription, or carelessly diagnosing ADHD, we must remember that these are kids we are dealing with. They put all their faith in us to help them, and not just to medicate them.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Human Function Argument Essay -- Philosophy Aristotle
The Human Function Argument Aristotle argues that the human function is activity of the soul that expresses or requires reason. This argument is found in Nicomachean Ethics approximately between Bekker lines 1097b24 and 1098a9. 1. Humans must have a function, or else they would be idle, which is absurd. Aristotle directly asks the reader if humans might have no important overall function other than a chosen occupation in society but suggests that this would not be expected of nature. Terence Irwin used the word idle in his 1985 translation when phrasing this disjunct of Aristotle?s question. 2. Each human body part has a function, so the whole human must likewise have a function. This premise appears parallel to Aristotle?s argument that many goods serve higher goods within a hierarchy (1094a10). Aristotle is invoking the concept a hierarchy to consider functions of body parts. Each part has a function that serves a larger part with a different function, and so it seems that the largest unit, the human body itself, must have a function. 3. The human function is unique to only humans themselves. Aristotle does not seem to consider that unique human features could simply be superfluous; he simply states as a goal that he is looking for a unique function. 4. Human function is not growth and nutrition because these aspects of life are shared with plants. It is sensible to make this exclusion if one accepts the third premise. 5. Human function is not sense perception because this aspect of life is shared with animals. Fulfilling a function like this would constitute a life of gratification, which Aristotle rejected earlier (1095b16). 6. The part of the human soul with reason is unique to humans. This is simply... ...unction argument points out its inadequacy to stand alone since the argument provides little evidence for some of its premises and rests only on certain common beliefs without making a strong connection to the supporting evidence. Bibliography Aristotle. "Nicomachean Ethics." Classics of Moral and Political Theory. 3rd ed. Trans. Terence Irwin. Ed. Michael L. Morgan. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, 2001. Aristotle. "Nicomachean Ethics." The Internet Classics Archive. Trans. W. D. Ross. [sic]. Aristotle. Nicomachean Ethics. Trans. Terence Irwin. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, 1985. Aristotle. Politics. Trans. C. D. C. Reeve. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, 1998. Plato. Protagoras. Trans. Stanley Lombardo and Karen Bell. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, 1992.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Hip Hop Music Culture Essay -- Rap, music and cultural movement
This essay aims to examine the importance of the Hip-Hop culture in 21st century society. It will begin with consideration of the history of Hip-Hop, discussing its stylistic adaptations, cultural preferences and concerns, referring to the studies of black culture by Ellis Cashmore and Mark Neal. Within this I will explore the ethnicity and authenticity of the culture, with reference to last years Popular Music and its Cultural Context unit. The essay will then move on to evaluate the cultureââ¬â¢s relationship with the media, concentrating on the well documented moral panics associated with the culture; I will make particular reference to the theories of Stan Cohen. By studying the political and historical patterns of the culture, I endeavour to discover the overall meaning which the culture has for its members and for society. It is primarily important to coin what Hip-Hop is, the dictionary definition describes Hip-Hop as: hip-hop (h p h p ) or hip hop noun. 1. A popular urban youth culture, closely associated with rap music and with the style and fashions of African-American inner-city residents. 2. Rap music. As a culture Hip-Hop includes four main categories of expression; Mixing, Dancing, Graffiti Art and Rapping, known as MCââ¬â¢ing. Hip-Hop was first recognised in New York around the mid 1970s, considered as a reaction to social movements of the time. In America the 70s and 80s were subject to negative behaviour towards black communities which consisted of Jamaican and Puerto Ricans as well as African-Americans, it was argued that the ruling of Reagan led to this behaviour. Hip-Hop culture was seen as an escape from the explosion of gang violence throughout the 1970s and 80s, providing black American youths with a space for expression, this freedom of speech led to the spreading of Hip-Hop to other cities where black communities suffered. As Tricia Rose states, ââ¬ËIt satisfies poor young black peopleââ¬â¢s profound need to have their territories acknowledged, recognised and celebrated.ââ¬â¢ (Rose, 1994: p.11, cited in Neal, 1997: p.136) The first UK top ten Hip-Hop hit wa s recorded in 1979 by the Sugar Hill Gang, called ââ¬ËRappers Delightââ¬â¢. The recognition of this song noted the continuous exchange of musical ideas between black and white. The atmosphere created between black and white musicians from Britain and America was perfect for the sounds o... ...the Hip-Hop culture will continue. The policing of artists and their music are likely to become stricter, with parental advisory placed on increasingly offensive lyrics and with the boost in crime rates associated with Hip-Hop policing will be more specific. However, I do not believe that increased awareness and policing of Hip-Hop will lead to the waning of its popularity, if anything; I think it will continue to add to the novelty of the culture. Bibliography Baker, H. & Diawara, M. & Lindeborg, R. (1996) Black British Cultural Studies: A Reader, University Press: Chicago Cashmore, E. (1997) The Black Culture Industry, London: Routledge Cohen, P. & Baines, H. (1982) Multi-Racist Britain, London: Macmillan Cohen, S. (1973) Folk Devils and Moral Panics, St Albans: Paladin Dyson, M. (1996) Between God and Gangsta Rap, University Press: Oxford Neal, M. (1999) Black Popular Music and Black Public Culture: What the Music Said, London: Routledge Oliver, P. (1990) Black Music in Britain, University Press: Milton Keynes Springhall, J. (1998) Youth, Popular Culture and Moral Panics, London: Macmillan Thompson, K. (1998) Moral Panics, London: Routledge
Monday, September 16, 2019
Is China A World Power?
A world power may be defined as a country, which has great political power, great military, great economy et cetera. The People's Republic of China may have completed some of these criteria itself but it may not be considered a world power as some of the small factors are holding them behind. China may be a big country with large population, which face inequality, corruption, social stability and the Chinese environment that is not very grand for the health and also with it limited supplies and energy. China claims that they are a communist state but they are just capitalist, under their current government. A lot of discrimination is there in the nation. Health for the Chinese isn't very pleasant either for the country lack proper medication care and doctors. China is a capitalist state under the ââ¬Å"SOCIALIST REPUBLICâ⬠government. This has made many things difficult in China such as Human rights, freedom and equality. The Chinese government are very tolerate people as they closed its door towards people, yet they declare an open door policy in the late 70's and 80's which is not true in all cases. The new Chinese settlers have created an alternate society: a Chinese apartheid which, denying Tibetans equal social and economic status in our own land, threatens to finally overwhelm and absorb us. â⬠was quoted by the Dalai Lama in 1991. Groups who fought for political freedom to be heard were jailed without trial and have been forgotten imprisoned. Religious freedom is another problem in China, as religions don't get any freedom. All religions have to be within the communist party (they have to register within the government) and must be loyal to the Mainland. This have caused many affairs with some religion for example Catholicism who is led by the Pope in Rome, China doesn't allow that and they created the Chinese Patriotic Catholic- Association to replace Roman Catholic. Another unfair factor is that religious people aren't allowed to work with the government as they say being openly religious can affect the economy. Other rights that people should have are No child policy where people can have as many babies, so no girls are being abandoned, Labour rights, as people should not have small wages for long hour of work. China also has problems with the whole of African continent as they treated those Africans poorly during the 1990's and in 2005 it still happen as Manfred Nowak (human rights lawyer) visited China to observe the country. He complained the officials for not letting him interview people and say what he want to say, he also said the discrimination can be seen widespread. The economy of the PRC has increased so much during the past 10 years. Their economy is fourth largest in the world. The value of their Gross National Product was 2. 3 trillion in 2006, which is extremely high, but there's one thing we shouldn't be forgetting; they also have the largest population, which average the GDP per capita to roughly i1,000 whilst it's around i25,000 in countries like Ireland, Switzerland and Denmark. As economy in China is rapidly increasing, it's also facing labour shortage, wages demand and less service. Workers are quitting agricultural jobs to get industry job. The wages of worker have been raised to an average of i 55 a month but as Industry increase, pollution increases. China emits 19% of the world CO2 emissions that is a real shame. The Kyoto Protocol does not require China to reduce its emission, as their status is ââ¬Å"Developing Country ââ¬Å"notâ⬠Developed. A world health organisation reported that seven out of the ten most polluted are in China. 30% of acid rain falls on the country. It is estimated that 7% of the GDP per annum must be spend to control the environmental problem so far only 1% is spent on this trouble; this show China's lack of environmental concern. Main economic area for China is it's eastern coast where most of their economy rely. This also create another problem, the equality of income isn't same throughout China as it should be, City such as irimqi, Piking, Shanghai, Canton, Shenzhen et cetera receives most of the high income when city such as Lanzhou, Lhasa et cetera receives a lot lesser. Health of the Chinese can be considered as very poor at the moment that they were ranked 144 out of 191 by The World Health Report. The life expectancy for China s of 2006 is 73, this have been a huge improvement since 1950 when it was 32 but can still be considered low compared to countries like Sweden, Switzerland and Japan whose expectancy is over 80. Their infant mortality currently is 23 per thousand people, which aren't very bad compared to others for example Singapore and Japan (2). Health Development Index of the PRC is medium as it stood at 0. 768 as of 2007. As Chinese economy has grown rapidly, health problems also have. Some of the problems they face now are Air pollution (this killed 760,000 people per annum alone), cigarette smokers is also another problem as the number increases each year and Urban youngster can also be overweight as Chinese at average take in 2,940 calories a day (25% more than what Food and Agriculture Organisation suggested). China lacks doctors, 680 people per one doctor doesn't sound too bad but they still need more doctors so that those with sickness could be attended and cared for more. Schizophrenia are suffered 7. 8 million Chinese and only 60% is being cared for properly. Male also outnumber female in China as they have the superstition of boys are better than girls, this leaves hundred of thousands baby girls orphaned. 2. 3 million is the number of the People's Liberation Army, the largest force in the world plus it's 500,000-reserve force. The number have actually decreased from 4 million from 1980 compared to another emerging super power such as India who has an armed force of 1. 3 million from 500,000 in 1960s. Military personnel should not be all that counts but reserves should also be taken into account, China has a reserve force of five hundred thousand compared to Taiwan which has 1. 5 million. The result from 1980 is that their army have decreased twice the number from 1980 (from 120 divisions to 60). The spending on military have also decreased. China can defend itself from foreign occupation and remain a regional status-quo power, but it is not a rising or threatening powerâ⬠James H. Nolt, 2006 Chinese military use to create it's own weapons but this stopped in 1980's when their weapons were made of the very worst quality and workmanship. An Incident occurred when it sold Thailand and Burma what they claimed to be ââ¬Å"A NEWLY MADE CHINESE FRIGATESâ⬠after the delivery both discovered that the vessels were purely rubbish that can't float properly. The Thais later demanded they give them a new one with an empty hull, as they'll modernise it themselves. After all the Chinese military doesn't seemed to be very strong as it's viewed. Professor James H. Nolt even says it can't even beat those of Vietnam, Taiwan or India. Their possession of nuclear weapons may fill them in for the nuclear criterion. They have never launched one before and stated it themselves that they will never use it, this have put them off for being a nation with nuclear power. Resources that China lacks can be a huge problem. It produces 6. tonnes of oil equivalent per capita and it consumes 7. 3, this is a huge problem they found a way to dealt with the way which is not very reliable. In 2004 Wen Jinbao the prime minister offered Russia almost i 6,000,000,000 for energy purchase. China therefore rely on Russia for energy, Russia could use this as a weapon and they did but not to China, In 2005 Vladimir Putin cut off energy supply to Ukraine as it wants higher price for energy. Russia may not be very reliable for this source either. Some of the other things they lack off may be public transportation where there s an average of 2 buses per one thousand people. Some of the children in China still lack education, as 10% of the children under age 15 are literate. With all these weaknesses revealed, does China fit in the definition of ââ¬Å"World Powerâ⬠: The answer is resounding no. Not now or anywhere in the future like others who say China will someday be a world power. Their current government won't last longer than 30 years, when they collapse the idea of China being a world power will start to fade away and a more favourable China would be reality.
Portrayal of Australian Mining Towns Essay
Arthur Boyd and Oodgeroo, formally known as Kath Walker, both effectively depict their own view of Australia through the painting ââ¬Å"The Mining Townâ⬠and the poem ââ¬Å"The Time Is Running Out. â⬠They each present slightly differing interpretations of the country based upon their altered perspectives and context. Arthur Boyd presents a vivid and vibrant life of an Australian mining town of 1920 through his painting while Kath Walker aggressively portrays an outraged view of what Australia has become violently outlining the damages caused by European settlement. In Kath Walkers poem ââ¬Å"time is running outâ⬠she uses a passionate and forceful tone allowing it to illustrate an Aboriginal perspective of the mining town, which effectively portrays her view of Australia. ââ¬Å"The miner rapes the heart of the earthâ⬠the use of the word ââ¬Å"rape,â⬠describes a traumatic and violent action. Kath Walker uses this aggressive quote to start her poem essentially stating the miners are ruining the natural part of Australia. She then proceeds to say ââ¬Å" With this violent spadeâ⬠meaning the spade the miners are using is killing the earth. ââ¬Å" Stealing, bolting her black blood. â⬠The use of a metaphor in this quote depicts the miner taking the black coal from the earth. She then personifies the earth to exemplify that the Europeans are destroying the natural beauty of Australia ââ¬Å"for the sake of the greedy trade. â⬠Kath Walker demonstrates her disappointment throughout the poem in the European culture of Australia and is horrified by what the country has become. She effectively conveys her view of Australia. In the second part of Kath Walkers poem she proceeds to use a patriotic and again a violent tone to portray her view of Australia. She challenges upon all Aborigines to take a stand against the violent nature on the earth caused by the foreigners. The repetition of ââ¬Å"violenceâ⬠ââ¬Å"he knows violenceâ⬠ââ¬Å"will be violently writtenâ⬠ââ¬Å"make the violent miner feelâ⬠exaggerates her perspective of Australia by portraying Australia as a terrible violent country. Throughout her poem she over exaggerates the terrible wok of the miners and at the end of her poem she hypocritically gives a violent message of retaliation against the miners ââ¬Å"to defend their timeless land. â⬠ââ¬Å"Come gentle black manâ⬠she creatively changes the audienceââ¬â¢s state of mind by showing that the aborigines are the victims and are innocent. Kath allows the audience to feel her frustration with the use of her aggressive tone and adjectives essentially providing the audience with not only Kathââ¬â¢s view of Australia but also the whole Aboriginal community. It is because of Kaths poetic devices and techniques which allows her to present her perspective of Australia from an Aboriginal point of view. Her aggressive and serious tone, shows her passion and love for the nature of the country. She also spreads a message of violence of retaliation and revenge on the European miners who are destroying nature in Australia all for ââ¬Å"the filthy dollar. â⬠Therefore I think that the poem most effectively conveys a view of Australia rather than the photo.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
The Host Chapter 45: Succeeded
Healer Knits Fire and Cerulean walked through the door together. The Healer handed me a tall glass of water. It didn't feel as cold as the first-my fingers were cold with fear now. The dark-skinned woman had something for me, too. She handed me a flat rectangle with a handle. ââ¬Å"I thought you would want to see,â⬠Knits Fire said with a warm smile. The tension flooded out of me. There was no suspicion or fear. Just more kindness from the souls who had dedicated their lives to Healing. Cerulean had given me a mirror. I held it up and then tried to stifle my gasp. My face looked the way I remembered it from San Diego. The face I'd taken for granted there. The skin was smooth and peachy across my right cheekbone. If I looked carefully, it was just a little lighter and pinker in color than the tan on the other cheek. It was a face that belonged to Wanderer, the soul. It belonged here, in this civilized place where there was no violence and no horror. I realized why it was so easy to lie to these gentle creatures. Because it felt right to talk with them, because I understood their communication and their rules. The lies could beâ⬠¦ maybe should be true. I should be filling a Calling somewhere, whether teaching at a university or serving food in a restaurant. A peaceful, easy life contributing to a greater good. ââ¬Å"What do you think?â⬠the Healer asked. ââ¬Å"I look perfect. Thank you.â⬠ââ¬Å"It was my pleasure to heal you.â⬠I looked at myself again, seeing details beyond the perfection. My hair was ragged-dirty, with uneven ends. There was no gloss to it-homemade soap and poor nutrition were to blame for that. Though the Healer had cleaned the blood from my neck, it was still smudged with purple dust. ââ¬Å"I think it's time I called the camping trip quits. I need to clean up,â⬠I murmured. ââ¬Å"Do you camp often?â⬠ââ¬Å"In all my free time, lately. Iâ⬠¦ can't seem to keep away from the desert.â⬠ââ¬Å"You must be brave. I find the city much more comfortable.â⬠ââ¬Å"Not brave-just different.â⬠In the mirror, my eyes were familiar rings of hazel. Dark gray on the outside, a circle of moss green, and then another circle of caramel brown around the pupil. Underlying it all, a faint shimmer of silver that would reflect the light, magnify it. Jamie? Mel asked urgently, beginning to feel nervous. I was too comfortable here. She could see the logic of the other path laid out before me, and that frightened her. I know who I am, I told her. I blinked, then looked back at the friendly faces beside me. ââ¬Å"Thank you,â⬠I said again to the Healer. ââ¬Å"I suppose I'd better be on my way.â⬠ââ¬Å"It's very late. You could sleep here if you'd like.â⬠ââ¬Å"I'm not tired. I feelâ⬠¦ perfect.â⬠The Healer grinned. ââ¬Å"No Pain does that.â⬠Cerulean walked me to the reception area. She put her hand on my shoulder as I stepped through the door. My heart beat faster. Had she noticed that my pack, once flat, was now bulging? ââ¬Å"Be more careful, dear,â⬠she said, and patted my arm. ââ¬Å"I will. No more hikes in the dark.â⬠She smiled and went back to her desk. I kept my pace even as I walked through the parking lot. I wanted to run. What if the Healer looked in her cabinets? How soon would she realize why they were half empty? The car was still there, in the pocket of darkness created by a gap between streetlights. It looked empty. My breath came fast and uneven. Of course it should look empty. That was the whole point. But my lungs didn't calm until I could glimpse the vague shape under the blanket on the backseat. I opened the door and put the backpack on the passenger seat-it settled there with a reassuring clatter-then I climbed in and shut the door. There was no reason to slam the locks down; I ignored the urge. ââ¬Å"Are you okay?â⬠Jared whispered as soon as the door was closed. His voice was a strained, anxious rasp. ââ¬Å"Shh,â⬠I said, keeping my lips as still as I could. ââ¬Å"Wait.â⬠I drove past the bright entrance and answered Cerulean's wave with one of my own. ââ¬Å"Making friends?â⬠We were on the dark road. No one was watching me anymore. I slumped in the seat. My hands started to shake. I could allow that, now that it was over. Now that I'd succeeded. ââ¬Å"All souls are friends,â⬠I told him, using my normal volume. ââ¬Å"Are you all right?â⬠he demanded again. ââ¬Å"I'm healed.â⬠ââ¬Å"Let me see.â⬠I stretched my left arm across my body, so he could see the tiny pink line. He sucked in a surprised breath. The blanket rustled; he sat up and then climbed through the space between the seats. He pushed the backpack out of the way, then pulled it onto his lap, testing its weight. He looked up at me as we passed under a streetlamp, and he gasped. ââ¬Å"Your face!â⬠ââ¬Å"It's healed, too. Naturally.â⬠He raised one hand, holding it in the air near my cheek, unsure. ââ¬Å"Does it hurt?â⬠ââ¬Å"Of course not. It feels like nothing happened to it in the first place.â⬠His fingers brushed the new skin. It tingled, but that was from his touch. Then he was back to business. ââ¬Å"Did they suspect anything? Do you think they'll call the Seekers?â⬠ââ¬Å"No. I told you they wouldn't be suspicious. They didn't even check my eyes. I was hurt, so they healed me.â⬠I shrugged. ââ¬Å"What did you get?â⬠he asked, opening the drawstrings on the backpack. ââ¬Å"The right things for Jamieâ⬠¦ if we get back in timeâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ I glanced at the clock on the dashboard automatically, though the hours it marked were meaningless. ââ¬Å"And more for the future. I only took what I understood.â⬠ââ¬Å"We'll be back in time,â⬠he promised. He examined the white containers. ââ¬Å"Smooth?â⬠ââ¬Å"Not a necessity. But I know what it does, soâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ He nodded, digging through the bag. He muttered the names to himself. ââ¬Å"No Pain? Does it work?â⬠I laughed. ââ¬Å"It's amazing. If you stab yourself, I could show youâ⬠¦ That's a joke.â⬠ââ¬Å"I know.â⬠He was staring at me with an expression I didn't understand. His eyes were wide, like something had deeply surprised him. ââ¬Å"What?â⬠My joke hadn't been that bad. ââ¬Å"You did it.â⬠His tone was full of wonder. ââ¬Å"Wasn't that the idea?â⬠ââ¬Å"Yes, butâ⬠¦ I guess I didn't really think we were going to make it out.â⬠ââ¬Å"You didn't? Then whyâ⬠¦? Why did you let me try?â⬠He answered in a soft almost-whisper. ââ¬Å"I figured it was better to die trying than to live without the kid.â⬠For a moment, my throat was choked with emotion. Mel was too overcome to speak as well. We were a family in that one instant. All of us. I cleared my throat. No need to feel things that would only come to nothing. ââ¬Å"It was very easy. Probably any of you could get away with it, if you acted naturally. She did look at my neck.â⬠I touched it reflexively. ââ¬Å"Your scar is too obviously homemade, but with the medicines I took, Doc could fix that.â⬠ââ¬Å"I doubt any of us could act so natural.â⬠I nodded. ââ¬Å"Yes. It's easy for me. I know what they expect.â⬠I laughed briefly to myself. ââ¬Å"I'm one of them. If you trusted me, I could probably get you anything in the world you wanted.â⬠I laughed again. It was just the stress fading, making me giddy. But it was funny to me. Did he realize that I would do exactly that for him? Anything in the world he wanted. ââ¬Å"I do trust you,â⬠he whispered. ââ¬Å"With all our lives, I trust you.â⬠And he had trusted me with every single human life. His, and Jamie's, and everyone else's. ââ¬Å"Thank you,â⬠I whispered back. ââ¬Å"You did it,â⬠he repeated in wonder. ââ¬Å"We're going to save him.â⬠Jamie is going to live, Mel rejoiced. Thank you, Wanda. Anything for them, I told her, and then I sighed, because it was so true. After reattaching the tarps when we reached the wash, Jared took over the driving. The way was familiar to him, and he drove faster than I would have. He had me get out before he pulled the car into its impossibly small hiding place under the rock slide. I waited for the sound of rock against metal, but Jared found a way in. And then we were back in the jeep and flying through the night. Jared laughed, triumphant, as we jolted across the open desert, and the wind carried his voice away. ââ¬Å"Where's the blindfold?â⬠I asked. ââ¬Å"Why?â⬠I looked at him. ââ¬Å"Wanda, if you wanted to turn us in, you had your chance. No one can deny that you're one of us now.â⬠I thought about that. ââ¬Å"I think some still could. It would make them feel better.â⬠ââ¬Å"Your some need to get over themselves.â⬠I was shaking my head now, picturing our reception. ââ¬Å"It's not going to be easy, getting back in. Imagine what they're thinking right now. What they're waiting forâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ He didn't answer. His eyes narrowed. ââ¬Å"Jaredâ⬠¦ if theyâ⬠¦ if they don't listenâ⬠¦ if they don't waitâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ I started talking faster, feeling a sudden pressure, trying to get him all the information before it was too late. ââ¬Å"Give Jamie the No Pain first-lay that on his tongue. Then the Inside Clean spray-he just has to inhale it. You'll need Doc to -ââ¬Å" ââ¬Å"Hey, hey! You're going to be the one giving the directions.â⬠ââ¬Å"But let me tell you how -ââ¬Å" ââ¬Å"No, Wanda. It's not going to go down that way. I'll shoot anyone who touches you.â⬠ââ¬Å"Jared -ââ¬Å" ââ¬Å"Don't panic. I'll aim low, and then you can use that stuff to heal 'em back up again.â⬠ââ¬Å"If that's a joke, it's not funny.â⬠ââ¬Å"No joke, Wanda.â⬠ââ¬Å"Where's the blindfold?â⬠He pressed his lips together. But I had my old shirt-Jeb's raggy hand-me-down. That would work almost as well. ââ¬Å"This will make it a little bit easier for them to let us in,â⬠I said as I folded it up into a thick band. ââ¬Å"And that means getting to Jamie faster.â⬠I tied it over my eyes. It was quiet for a time. The jeep bounced along the uneven terrain. I remembered nights like this when Melanie had been the passengerâ⬠¦ ââ¬Å"I'm taking us right to the caves. There's a place the jeep will be fairly well hidden for a day or two. It will save us time.â⬠I nodded. Time was the key now. ââ¬Å"Almost there,â⬠he said after a minute. He exhaled. ââ¬Å"They're waiting.â⬠I heard him fumbling beside me, heard a metal clank as he pulled the gun from the backseat. ââ¬Å"Don't shoot anyone.â⬠ââ¬Å"No promises.â⬠ââ¬Å"Stop!â⬠someone shouted. The sound carried in the empty desert air. The jeep slowed and then idled. ââ¬Å"It's just us,â⬠Jared said. ââ¬Å"Yes, yes, look. See? I'm still me.â⬠There was hesitation from the other side. ââ¬Å"Look-I'm bringing the jeep in under cover, okay? We've got meds for Jamie, and we're in a hurry. I don't care what you're thinking, you're not going to get in my way tonight.â⬠The jeep pulled forward. The sound changed and echoed as he found his cover. ââ¬Å"Okay, Wanda, everything's fine. Let's go.â⬠I already had the pack on my shoulders. I got out of the jeep carefully, not sure where the wall was. Jared caught my searching hands. ââ¬Å"Up you go,â⬠he said, and lifted me over his shoulder again. I wasn't as secure as before. He used only one arm to hold me. The other must have had the gun. I didn't like that. But I was worried enough to be grateful for it when I heard the running footsteps approaching. ââ¬Å"Jared, you idiot!â⬠Kyle shouted. ââ¬Å"What were you thinking?â⬠ââ¬Å"Ease up, Kyle,â⬠Jeb said. ââ¬Å"Is she hurt?â⬠Ian demanded. ââ¬Å"Get out of my way,â⬠Jared said, his voice calm. ââ¬Å"I'm in a hurry. Wanda's in perfect shape, but she insisted on being blindfolded. How is Jamie?â⬠ââ¬Å"Hot,â⬠Jeb said. ââ¬Å"Wanda's got what we need.â⬠He was moving fast now, sliding downhill. ââ¬Å"I can carry her.â⬠Ian, of course. ââ¬Å"She's fine where she is.â⬠ââ¬Å"I'm really okay,â⬠I told Ian, my voice bouncing with Jared's movement. Uphill again, a steady jog despite my weight. I could hear the others running with us. I knew when we were through to the main cavern-the angry hiss of voices swelled around us, turning into a clamor of sound. ââ¬Å"Out of my way,â⬠Jared roared over their voices. ââ¬Å"Is Doc with Jamie?â⬠I couldn't make out the answer. Jared could have put me down, but he was in too much of a hurry to pause for that second. The angry voices echoed behind us, the sound constricting as we entered the smaller tunnel. I could feel where we were now, follow the turns in my head as we raced through the junction to the third sleeping hall. I could almost count the doors as they passed me invisibly. Jared jerked to a halt and let the sudden stop slide me down from his shoulder. My feet hit the floor. He ripped the blindfold from my eyes. Our room was lit by several of the dim blue lanterns. Doc was standing rigidly, as if he'd just sprung to his feet. Kneeling beside him, her hand still holding a wet cloth to Jamie's forehead, was Sharon. Her face was almost unrecognizable, it was so contorted with fury. Maggie was struggling to her feet on Jamie's other side. Jamie still lay limp and red, eyes closed, his chest barely moving to pull in air. ââ¬Å"You!â⬠Sharon spit, and then she launched herself from her crouch. Like a cat, she sprang at Jared, nails reaching for his face. Jared caught her hands and twisted her away from him, pulling her arms behind her back. Maggie looked as if she was about to join her daughter, but Jeb stepped around the struggling Sharon and Jared to stand toe-to-toe with her. ââ¬Å"Let her go!â⬠Doc cried. Jared ignored him. ââ¬Å"Wanda-heal him!â⬠Doc moved to put himself between Jamie and me. ââ¬Å"Doc,â⬠I choked. The violence in the room, swirling around Jamie's still form, scared me. ââ¬Å"I need your help. Please. For Jamie.â⬠Doc didn't move, his eyes on Sharon and Jared. ââ¬Å"C'mon, Doc,â⬠Ian said. The little room was too crowded, claustrophobic, as Ian came to stand with his hand on my shoulder. ââ¬Å"You gonna let the kid die for your pride?â⬠ââ¬Å"It's not pride. You don't know what these foreign substances will do to him!â⬠ââ¬Å"He can't get much worse, can he?â⬠ââ¬Å"Doc,â⬠I said. ââ¬Å"Look at my face.â⬠Doc wasn't the only one who responded to my words. Jeb, Ian, and even Maggie looked and then did a double take. Maggie glanced away quickly, angry that she'd betrayed any interest. ââ¬Å"How?â⬠Doc demanded. ââ¬Å"I'll show you. Please. Jamie doesn't need to suffer.â⬠Doc hesitated, staring at my face, and then let out a big sigh. ââ¬Å"Ian's right-he can't get much worse. If this kills himâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ He shrugged, and his shoulders slumped. He took a step back. ââ¬Å"No,â⬠Sharon cried. No one paid any attention to her. I knelt beside Jamie, yanking the backpack off my shoulders and tugging it open. I fumbled until I found the No Pain. A bright light switched on beside me, pointed at Jamie's face. ââ¬Å"Water, Ian?â⬠I twisted the lid open and pinched out one of the little tissue squares. When I pulled Jamie's chin down, his skin burned my hand. I laid the square on his tongue and then held out my hand without looking up. Ian placed the bowl of water in it. Carefully, I dripped enough water into his mouth to wash the medicine down his throat. The sound of his swallow was dry and painful. I searched frantically for the thinner spray bottle. When I found it, I had the lid off and the mist sprayed into the air above him in one fast movement. I waited, watching his chest until he inhaled. I touched his face, and it was so hot! I scrambled for the Cool, praying it would be easy to use. The lid screwed off, and I found that the cylinder was full of more tissue squares, light blue this time. I breathed a sigh of relief and placed one on Jamie's tongue. I picked up the bowl again and dribbled another mouthful of water through his parched lips. His swallow was quicker this time, less strained. Another hand touched Jamie's face. I recognized Doc's long bony fingers. ââ¬Å"Doc, do you have a sharp knife?â⬠ââ¬Å"I have a scalpel. You want me to open the wound?â⬠ââ¬Å"Yes, so I can clean it.â⬠ââ¬Å"I thought about trying thatâ⬠¦ to drain it, but the painâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ââ¬Å"He'll feel nothing now.â⬠ââ¬Å"Look at his face,â⬠Ian leaned in beside me to whisper. Jamie's face was no longer red. It was a natural, healthy tan. The sweat still glistened on his brow, but I knew it was just left over from before. Doc and I touched his forehead at the same time. It's working. Yes! Exultation swept through both Mel and me. ââ¬Å"Remarkable,â⬠Doc breathed. ââ¬Å"The fever has cooled, but the infection may remain in his leg. Help me with his wound, Doc.â⬠â⬠Sharon, could you hand me -â⬠he began absentmindedly. Then he looked up. ââ¬Å"Oh. Ah, Kyle, do you mind handing me that bag right there by your foot?â⬠I scooted down so that I was over the red, swollen cut. Ian redirected the light so I could see it clearly. Doc and I both rustled through our bags at the same time. He came up with the silver scalpel, a sight that sent a quiver of unease down my spine. I ignored it and readied the bigger Clean spray. ââ¬Å"He won't feel it?â⬠Doc checked, hesitating. ââ¬Å"Hey,â⬠Jamie croaked. His eyes were open wide, roaming the room until they found my face. ââ¬Å"Hey, Wanda. What's going on? What's everyone doing here?ââ¬
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Employee Benefit and Google Essay
Google, Inc. was ranked by Fortune magazine as the best place in the U.S. to work in 2009, and it has reached another zenith by becoming the most popular Web site. Google, Inc.ââ¬â¢s goal of providing benefits and rewards is to ââ¬Å"strip away everything that gets in our employeesââ¬â¢ wayâ⬠(Google, 2009). Google, Inc. provides a standard package of fringe benefits, but on top of that are first-class dining facilities, gyms, laundry rooms, massage rooms, haircuts, carwashes, dry cleaning, commuting buses ââ¬â just about anything a hardworking employee might want. Schmitt states, ââ¬Å"Letââ¬â¢s face it: programmers want to program, they donââ¬â¢t want to do their laundry. So we make it easy for them to do bothâ⬠(Google, 2009). Google believes in providing both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. They understand that many humans are not motivated by pay incentives alone. Google Inc. believes in administering rewards and that good company culture is vital to company success, therefore, Google hired a Culture Czar. Google, Inc.ââ¬â¢s CCO, Chief Culture Czar, Stacy Sullivan, is devoted to one thingââ¬âmake Googlers happy. One way of maintaining Google, Inc.ââ¬â¢s culture and keeping employees happy is administering the best perks and rewards (Culture, 2009). Along with its compensation and traditional extrinsic benefits such as free health and dental benefits, flex spending accounts, 401K plans, insurance, tuition reimbursement, and vacation packages, they also have very unique benefits. These unique benefits include maternity benefits up to 18 weeks off at approximately 100% pay. In addition, new mothers and fathers get Take-Out Benefits to help make things easier. They are provided with expenses up to $500 for take-out meals during the first three months that they are home with their new baby. Additionally, Google, Inc. provides back-up child care and in the Gift Matching Program, Google, Inc. matches contributions of up to $3000 per year from eligible employees to non-profit organizations. With Adoption Assistance, Google, Inc. assists their employees by offering financial assistance in the adoption of a child. Google, Inc. will reimburse employees up to $5000 to use towards legal expenses. Free lunch and dinner from gourmet chefs create a wide variety of healthy and delicious meals every day. Got the munchies? Google, Inc. also offers snacks to help satisfy you in between meals. At Google headquarters in Mountain View, California employees have the convenience of seeing a doctor on-site. Google, Inc. is pleased to provide its Mountain View employees with free shuttles to several San Francisco, East Bay and South Bay locations. At Google headquarters in Mountain View, there is on-site oil change, car wash, dry cleaning, massage therapy, gym, hair stylist, fitness classes and bike repair. Google, Inc. will reimburse an employee for buying a hybrid car, up to $5000. Google, Inc. provides other benefits, too many to list, but one can assume that their full-time culture czar is not finished inventing new ways to reward employees (Google, 2009). More than the extrinsic rewards, people who choose to come to Google, Inc. come for other reasons besides just the outward perks and rewards. They come for freedom.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Al-Qaeda Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Al-Qaeda - Research Paper Example Their operations heightened from 1991-2011 and declined in the same year after the death of their founder Osama bin Laden. Members pledge their loyalty to Osama bin Laden and undergo training in various camps such as those in Sudan, Afghanistan, Pakistan or Iraq. According to the alliance, killing a person is sacred and the killer is always blessed. Muslim followers who terrorize their fellows are cursed for instance Gadhaffi, Hosni Mubarak, Hafez Assad among others. They disregard the law against killing and believe that Christians and Jews are there to paralyze Islam. They are also against the set laws in a bid to replace them with the Sharia law (Geltze, 2007). The training manual begins by asserting that Muslims initially suffered under the hands of the missionaries who took over the colonialists. Their intention was to rid off the religion by doing everything through the western way. Muslim youths were subjected to this lifestyle until it dawned to them that they were being misled. From then they vowed to take revenge against their perpetrators; Christians and Jews. Religion allows defense through jihad or holy war conduced using weapons as well as committing all sorts of criminal activities from kidnapping to bombing. They are supposed to mix with other people by sharing the same residential houses but using false identities. Identity should change from location to location to avoid suspicion. The spirit of comradeship is emphasized with members avoiding the acts of betrayal to their fellows. All types of misdeeds can be done to the potential targets who are the non-conformists of Islam. The alliance also operates under the principles o f patience, maturity, truth, love, discipline, secrecy and physical fitness (Al-Qaeda Manual). Terrorists willingness to attack with nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction (biological, chemical
Thursday, September 12, 2019
A Case Study of Shangri-La Hotels Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
A Case Study of Shangri-La Hotels - Essay Example Terrorism is a major threat for Shangri-La operations. 1.2 Economical China's economic environment is experiencing growth. The country's growth is due to the success of Beijing's stimulus package. Government relaxation of travel restrictions and the rising urban incomes makes the country an attractive market for the hotel industry. Chinese domestic and outbound travel has increased in Europe and the US economy is experiencing financial crisis and economic downturn. Unemployment is high and people are tightening their belts. Fiscal stimulus package which was recently approved is needed to contain the deteriorating public finances. Performance of the auto industry, which is the country's major employer, is currently experiencing setbacks. An economic recession and high unemployment state will greatly affect the performance of Shangri-La hotels in the region. 1.3 Social/ Cultural The Beijing Olympics of 2008 is a major influence of the country's foreign relations. It creates camaraderie among nations and puts China in the centre of event. The Olympics boosts the culture the Chinese people as well as opens up the country to the rest of the world. Although the standard of living in China is not equal between rural and urban regions, investments in the cityscapes have created urban migration and rising income. Residents in Europe enjoy a standard of living comparable to most develop countries which is due to decades of solid economic growth. The economic growth is funnelled into the development of a stable social structure. Governments are addressing the challenges posed by an aging population. The establishment of European Union creates a single market that brings in younger, working age population. US citizens have a high standard of living and greater... This essay discusses the success of Shangri-La in Asia, that can be an effective formula for successful ventures in different parts of the world. As a company that aims at competing at a global scale, Shangri-La can be a leading rival of major players in the industry. The company has more opportunities to create a diverse range of products and services. The Spa business can become more profitable as the population of develop countries age and as people become more health conscious. The researcher aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of various business, marketing and human resourcement strategies, that led Shangri-La business to success and provide some recommendations on the topic. As for the corporate level, it is recommended by the researcher that the company would exploit the growing market of China through additional projects on regions with high economic activity and tourist traffic. China is expected to grow in the years to come and the demand for hotels would also grow. T he European and American market is experiencing economic downturn. It is not recommended to focus the organisationââ¬â¢s expansion in these areas because of its economic uncertainty and lack of attractiveness. The researcher then concluds that a market presence can be the primary aim for projects existing in the area. It is also recommended that the company would consider backward integration strategies that would acquire travel agencies in order to boost the companyââ¬â¢s capabilities of attracting more guests.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Video games addiction Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Video games addiction - Assignment Example A timid youngster can abruptly got gregarious; an uninvolved kid can get forceful. (Neils & P.shauvan, 2009) Youngsters, who regularly feel weak in their every day lives, all of a sudden can summon armed forces, drive (and accident) autos, and wreak devastation on a virtual world with no genuine outcomes. This is enticing! Also when that kid or young lady is discovering it a test in "this present reality" to make companions, PC and feature amusements offer an approach to interface with others in their "virtual world," without the pain of eye to eye collaborations. Feature amusement and Internet habit are not real Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)-IV groupings, despite the fact that the American Medical Association is looking into exploration keeping in mind the end goal to figure out if they ought to be incorporated in the following redesign of the manual in 2010. Numerous mental wellbeing experts feel that feature amusements are like betting as an addictive methodology. By a few assessments, upwards of 10 percent of gamers show addictive conduct Parents have to take up the challenge and try helping the youngsters, as itââ¬â¢s the case with any other form of addiction, there may be imperviousness to change and withdrawal side effects. It will undertake your part to help your tyke discover hobbies and exercises to supplant feature diversions. Furthermore it may require outside help, for example, a specialist or medicine program, if there are underlying issues that prompted the diversion fixation in any case. At the same time feature amusement habit could be dealt with, and your youngsters require your assistance. (Neils & Shauvan, 2009). Feature amusement dependence has turned into a real issue in our social order. Numerous youngsters and adolescents play an over the top measure of hours of feature diversions as shown in figure
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Participation 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Participation 4 - Essay Example Probability sampling uses random sampling method, where the researcher selects parties to the study randomly. This ensures that the study eliminates bias and makes it easier for the researcher to estimate the sampling error. In his article painter describes the use of probability sampling in research. The example he focuses on is on selection of households from a certain cross section area. The study may focus on selecting all households, which will include even newer households. Alternatively, in selecting a sample the researcher can exclude the newer households and consider those that have resided in the area for a while. The study, therefore, will use a cluster sample, which will focus on areas with old residents. The focus was on European waters and their efforts to improve the status of these waters. In this study, they use judgmental sampling method. In their research, they have selected certain water bodies that they intend to examine and come up with ways of improving their status. The rationale for using judgemental sampling method is that the water bodies are certain and; therefore, the researcher has to focus on a certain area of
Monday, September 9, 2019
Customer Value by Amway Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 10
Customer Value by Amway - Essay Example The present research has identified that Amway ensures that its products are satisfactory. This attracts the interest of customers and clients in the products and promotes the brand image. Customer retention and customer value are also realized. Constant research aimed at finding ways of improving the quality of Amwayââ¬â¢s products and ensuring adherence to customersââ¬â¢ preferences is undertaken. The company does this through the over 500 active research employees it has employed. The company takes part in corporate responsibility programs (CSR) at an international level. This is a benefit to communities living within Amwayââ¬â¢s business environment as they also gain from the companyââ¬â¢s profits. Amway services the customer and not a global market or organizations. Its concentration is on the customer and ensuring that his needs and demands are met. This is expressed in the companyââ¬â¢s vision. From the case study presented, it is clear that Amway ensures that c onsumers benefit from its products by offering quality products and indirectly rewarding the clients through corporate social responsibility.
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Mini-Project (Third) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Mini-Project (Third) - Essay Example This made Cashman ââ¬Å"forced to scramble for an additional line of credit in project financing at prime plus 2-1/2%â⬠, which was an excessive premium (due to Woodyââ¬â¢s credit rating). Proper budgeting would have avoided the ââ¬Ëfire fightingââ¬â¢ mode they had to resort to when they found themselves ââ¬Å"throwing money at every problem in an effort to get the plant operationalâ⬠. The project failures concerning financial planning, cash flow, cost control, costs incurred etc. are listed in section two. Recommendations are then given on how this should have been conducted properly so that the mistakes could have been avoided. Kim Cashmanââ¬â¢s cash flow chart was improperly drafted. The amount of expenditure was only assumed i.e. à £1 million each in first and last months and à £1.4 million in each intervening 10 months. Secondly, the chart was locked away and the details were not divulged to the people concerned. The costs associated with the project were recorded as part of the companyââ¬â¢s normal book-keeping whereas it should have been kept separate not least because the costs could be easily identified and controlled. EIDââ¬â¢s initial fixed-price quotation was not deliberated upon. It could have been a more economical option than allowing the cost plus alternative that EID implemented with a high level of uncertainty. Moneysworth did not justify why he thought that the hourly rate was reasonable. He also thought that the hours could be monitored effectively but this proved not to be the case. The hourly rate was perhaps the largest contributor to the spiralling costs. Changes in project planning led to costs becoming uncontrollable and some of these were major. For example, software for the production train had to be rewritten and the building could not house the production train. The lack of schedule planning not only wasted time and caused delays but also resulted in the loss of income. For example, the several weeks that were lost in
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Pick on topic from my uploaded resources Assignment
Pick on topic from my uploaded resources - Assignment Example Economists determine recession with the help of some conventional Macroeconomic indicators like Investment Spending, employment, business profits, capacity utilization, household income and inflation. If the general level of all these macroeconomic indicators is falling, then the economy is most likely to encounter recession. It is pertinent to mention here that as the level of these indicators fall, the level of unemployment and bankruptcies rise on the other hand. The two most important factors that have significant importance on levels of recession are Unemployment and Inflation. In the time of 1930s, when our world encountered Great Depression, most economies of the modern world like Germany were facing hyperinflation. Inflation exceeding the boundaries of Galloping Inflation can make the economy go down thousand times faster .Moreover, inflation accompanying unemployment causes the economy to collapse completely. Recession can be controlled by implementing different policies and by triggering different factors. Countries usually try to overcome recession by announcing sound and stringent Fiscal and Monetary policies. Interest Rates are raised and unemployment is eradicated with the help of different schemes and policies. We know that the global oil market is a complete oligopoly being run by a few powerful oil exporting countries and consortiums. The oligopoly of oil Market is very strong because of the fact that the International demand for oil barrels is relatively inelastic. Due to this reason, leading oil exporting countries have taken the market completely and are running the market according to their own terms and conditions. This type of competition in the global oil market has made the prices inflexible. With the fact that the prices of many other things are dependent on the rates of oil which is being obtained from the global oil market, therefore, oil being a complementary good controls the pricing
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